Activties of AL-QAEDA
Here are some of the attacks by the AQ from the beginning of its formation till now...
Pictures are included for reference. ENJOY!
First attack
December 29, 1992
A bomb went off at the Gold Mohur hotel, where U.S. troops had been staying while en-route to Somalia, though the troops had already left when the bomb exploded. The bombers targeted a second hotel, the Aden Movenpick, where they believed American troops might also be staying. That bomb detonated prematurely in the hotel car park, around the same time as the other bomb explosion, killing two Australian tourists. Bin Laden later claimed responsibility for the 1992 Yemen attack.
December 29, 1992
A bomb went off at the Gold Mohur hotel, where U.S. troops had been staying while en-route to Somalia, though the troops had already left when the bomb exploded. The bombers targeted a second hotel, the Aden Movenpick, where they believed American troops might also be staying. That bomb detonated prematurely in the hotel car park, around the same time as the other bomb explosion, killing two Australian tourists. Bin Laden later claimed responsibility for the 1992 Yemen attack.

Second Attack
February 26, 1993
1993 World Trade Center bombing
Ramzi Yousef parked a rented van full of explosives in the parking garage beneath the World Trade Center. The explosion claimed six victims, and over one thousand people were wounded. nephew of 9/11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, had trained in Afghanistan.
And more...
In December 1999 and into 2000, al-Qaeda planned attacks against U.S. and Israeli tourists visiting Jordan for millennial celebrations
Al-Qaeda also directed the October, 12, 2000 attack on the U.S.S. Cole in the port of Aden, Yemen, killing 17 U.S. Navy crewmembers, and injuring another 39.
2007 Baku terrorist plot
2007 Baku terrorist plot
1998 United States embassy bombings
A plan to kill President Clinton during a visit to the Philippines in early 1995

planned midair bombing of a dozen U.S. trans-Pacific flights in 1995; and plans to set off a bomb at Los Angeles International Airport in 1999
In December, 2001, suspected al-Qaeda associate Richard Colvin Reid attempted to ignite a shoe bomb on a transatlantic flight from Paris to Miami.
The most significant of all....
September 11, 2001
19 al-Qaeda suicide attackers hijacked and crashed four U.S. commercial jets,
two into the World Trade Center in New York City,
one into the Pentagon near Washington, D.C.,
and a fourth into a field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, leaving about 3,000 individuals dead or missing.
(more details in next post,stay tuned!)
hahaha. GZL.
hahaha. GZL.
It is shocking how 19 terrorists can cause so much sorrow and pain. The Al-Qaeda group must be a very cooperative and hardworking that they can manipulate the security of the planes and actually leave efforts made by passengers put to waste. Not only were passengers in the planes affected but also the entire workforce in the World Trade Center.
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